Pikes Peak Metropolitan Community Church
Sunday School for Adults
Biblical. Challenging. Relevant.

Join us every Sunday Morning from 9:00 to 9:50 and enjoy great conversations that will help you understand more about Scripture and how you can apply it with relevance to your daily life.

Our Adult Sunday School curriculum is called "Seasons of the Spirit." This new, open-minded resource follows the lectionary texts, which help determine what Pastor Wes will preach about each week. So, by coming to class on Sunday mornings, you get to learn and discuss some of the very same passages that will be a part of the sermon. This helps you get even more out of the sermon, and it increases your ability to find connections for your own life.

Most importantly, everything we do at PPMCC strives to relevant to real life. So, don’t expect some dry, boring class on a biblical text that has no relationship to your life. We don’t want to waste our time or yours studying the bible that way! Instead, come expecting real honest conversations that matter.